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Reporting | Google Ads | SEO | Social Media | Websites

Every month you will receive an email with a dashboard report on your campaign’s performance.
Access your dashboard 24/7 by logging into your unique link provided by Fasturtle.

Great news! We have put together a list of metric definitions that will help you understand your report. Browse our list of marketing metric definitions.

Results from your campaign require time to build momentum as Google’s algorithm learns the best time and place for your target audience to see your ads. It can take around 3 months for your campaign to fully mature. The time it takes to see results can vary depending on the industry you are in, your budget and competition. In-depth research and thorough optimizations during the early stages of the campaign are necessary to build a strong foundation for maximized results. These manual optimizations, along Google’s algorithm learning how to optimize your ad delivery, provide amazing results and a positive return on your investment if given the time that is required.

Google Analytics is one of the most important tracking tools that we use. In order for us to be able to access data about your website to accurately track our marketing efforts through your personalized dashboard, we need to be an administrator on your account. Add Fasturtle as an administrator for your Google Analytics with these easy-to-use instructions.

Google Ads

It is possible that your campaign has reached its daily budget. Your ad schedule might also contribute to this issue if you are searching outside of peak hours. Google’s understanding of search behavior and your domain is another factor that could cause your ads to be hidden, especially if searches for your product or service are made but ads are never clicked on. Familiarity with your own domain, location and search behavior may prompt Google to assume your ad should not be listed. This is because you are likely not going to complete the action tracked in the campaign such a web form or phone call.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. By working on your SEO, we help search engines recognize your website in order to gain traffic and grow your business. Search engines “crawl” sites, looking for content to understand the purpose of the website. We use SEO strategies to drive search engines like Google to view your website as an expert in your industry, encouraging them to recommend your site to users searching terms related to your business.

The time it takes to rank on Google varies for each business and each industry, based on a variety of factors. The biggest factor is competition. If your business is in a high-competition niche, if there are a few larger or national companies dominating the market, or if your competitors have websites that have been SEO optimized for much longer than yours, it will take longer to rank. Another factor at play is your website’s starting point. If your website is ranking in slot 50 at the start of our services, it will take longer to get to the first page (slots 1-9) than it would for a website already ranking in slot 13, for example. Our clients typically see progress in their ranking within 6 months of starting our SEO services.

Local SEO includes 65+ Local Directory Listings to ensure your key business information is monitored and current, and duplicates are suppressed. Your business information is synced across all local directory listings to ensure your business name, phone, and address is accurate across the web.

Your Google My Business listing is another important part of your SEO because it allows customers to find you, learn about your services, and contact you. In order for us to perform our SEO services, we will need to be an administrator on your account. Make Fasturtle an administrator on your Google My Business account with these simple instructions.

Social Media

View instructions on how to make us an administrator for Facebook and LinkedIn.

If you’re posting on a business Instagram account, as well as a business Facebook page, you can connect the two platforms to easily share one post on both. Click here to find out how!

Uploading a video on Facebook is simple and a great way to give your audience a visual representation of your company or a particular product or service. Use this link to follow step-by-step instructions on uploading a video to Facebook.

YouTube has become an important marketing tool for companies to upload informational videos, and also take advantage of advertising videos that will play as users select other videos. Here are some easy to follow instructions on uploading a video to your YouTube account.

You can access your website control panel 24/7 by visiting your dedicated dashboard.

We also have a step-by-step help guide that covers how to make updates to your website.

You are welcome to send any requests, questions, or changes directly to our web team using our handy Website Support ticket link.